Gervais’ Beaked Whale

(Mesoplodon europaeus)

Identity card


A pelagic species, Gervais' Beaked Whale lives offshore and is found in the warm temperate waters of the Atlantic Ocean.


Scientists have little information on its reproduction. It appears that it can have a calf every three years and that it reaches sexual maturity when it reaches a size of about 4.5m.


Gervais' Beaked Whale is a carnivore and feeds on deep-sea squid, some crustaceans and fish.

Morphological characteristics for distinction at sea

  • Head: black rimmed eye, no melon/beak demarcations, the male has two small teeth protruding from the lower jaw (just like Cuvier's Beaked Whale males)
  • Fins and flippers: small triangular dorsal fin on the last third of the body, short pectoral fins and caudal peduncle with a concave-shaped centre
  • Colouring: beige to brown coat, darker ale line
Baleine à bec de Gervais (Mesoplodon europaeus).

Mâle de baleine à bec de Gervais remontant à la surface.

Marine Meunier / OMMAG

Mâle de baleine à bec de Gervais remontant à la surface.

Marine Meunier / OMMAG

Baleine à bec de Gervais / Gervais' Beaked Whale (Mesoplodon europaeus)

Illustration Baleine à bec de Gervais / Gervais' Beaked Whale (Mesoplodon europaeus)

Maël Dewynter / CARI'MAM / Office français de la biodiversité

Illustration Baleine à bec de Gervais / Gervais' Beaked Whale (Mesoplodon europaeus)

Maël Dewynter / CARI'MAM / Office français de la biodiversité


Banner photo credit: Cédric Millon / OMMAG