Common Bottlenose Dolphin

(Tursiops truncatus)

Identity card

Listen to the clicks made by the Common Bottlenose Dolphin to find its way around, hunt and communicate.


Observed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Common Bottlenose Dolphin can be found in most parts of the world except for polar waters. Two types of Tursiops dolphins can be distinguished: the pelagic ones, which are very mobile, and the coastal ones, which are becoming rather sedentary and involuntarily attracting tourist curiosity.

Grand dauphin (Tursiops truncatus) et ses petits.

Grand dauphin (Tursiops truncatus) et ses petits.

Franck Mazéas

Grand dauphin (Tursiops truncatus) et ses petits.

Franck Mazéas


There is no defined breeding period. After a gestation period of one year, the mother gives birth to a calf every 2 to 3 years.


Common Bottlenose Dolphins are carnivores and feed on fish, crustaceans and cephalopods.


The Common Bottlenose Dolphin is a very social species and individuals are closely related within a group. They interact with each other by whistling, snapping their jaws or physical contact such as biting.

Morphological characteristics for identification at sea

  • Head: distinct melon shape, strong demarcation with the beak
  • Fins: high sickle-shaped dorsal fin
  • Swim sequence: tail snapping, head snapping, muzzle up and out of the water
  • Colouring: light grey (coastal form) to dark grey (pelagic) coat
Click on the link to see the Common Bottlenose Dolphin in 3D:  
Illustration Grand dauphin / Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Grand dauphin / Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Maël Dewynter / CARI'MAM / Office français de la biodiversité

Grand dauphin / Common Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Maël Dewynter / CARI'MAM / Office français de la biodiversité