
The catalogue of Caribbean thematic educational tools

The Camac project is helping to raise awareness of the need to protect marine megafauna among pupils and students of all ages. To help teachers and educators, we have produced a catalogue of existing educational tools on marine megafauna in the Greater Caribbean.

The educational tools listed in this catalogue are resources designed to support the educational initiatives of teachers, coordinators and professionals in the education and environmental sectors in the region. Their aim is to provide knowledge that will help the public to protect the marine environment around them.
In addition to its educational value, this catalogue seeks to promote the work and create links between the organisations that create educational tools. It aims to strengthen Caribbean identity through the study of a common marine heritage, while highlighting the specific nature of the study and conservation of each territory.

The first version of the catalogue is currently available in English. It will be translated into Spanish and French in 2024.

In this first edition, 79 tools in French, English, Spanish, Dutch, Creole and Portuguese are listed in this catalogue across 11 media types:

  • games,
  • applications,
  • posters,
  • books/comic,
  • activity book,
  • intervention,
  • billboard,
  • leaflet,
  • exhibition,
  • video.

Each tool is presented in a few lines on a single page with the following key points :

  • the main topic: megafauna, turtles, marine mammals, birds, elasmobranchs and eco-gestures;
  • the target audience: teachers/anctivity leaders, general public, students;
  • availability: for free, for sale, for rental, to borrow, but also to send,for download or online;
  • the languages in which the tool is available;
  • for some tools, the recommended age range.

We also tell you how to get the tool and/or the contact details of the organisation that can make it available to you or give you more information.

To make it easier for you to find the ideal tool for your educational project, the tools are all listed in 3 indexes by media type, target audience and theme at the beginning of the catalogue.


Click on the catalogue to view it full-screen on the Calaméo platform. You can also download it there.